WordPress Integration

Supercharge Your WordPress Sites Through Custom Development
WordPress Integration as part of website development

According to data from W3Techs, WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet in 2022. This is an increase from 39.5% in 2021. That means that two out of every five websites use WordPress.  Odds are your website has been developed with WordPress as well.  With more than 58,000 plugins and more than 8,000 themes, it offers a tremendous amount of customization right out of the box.  Even with all that support, there are limitations on what can be done.  As custom software developers, we will take your WordPress site even farther through custom WordPress Integrations.

What is WordPress Integration?

A WordPress integration can encompasses many things.  At it’s core, it is when a software developer uses coding to augment or alter the way the website or plugin functions to better suit your needs.  This can include writing new plugins, connecting other software systems to your WordPress site, or modifying existing pre-built functions.  For example, maybe you don’t like the way a current plugin works, or maybe you need to integrate data from your CRM or ATS into your website. Perhaps you want a custom login portal for your customers.  We can help with all these things using custom integration with your existing WordPress setup.

Wordpress Integration graphic with floating blue icons

We can help you with:

Custom Plugins

  • We can build plugins that pop right into your site – and can be used across multiple sites.
  • We can build white label plugins.
  • Use WordPress’s custom fields to house data from your other systems for use in WordPress.


Custom Code

  • We’re different from other WordPress shops because we’re not confined to pre-built plugins, we can augment the code.
  • We can augment existing plugins to behave differently or expand their functionality.


Custom Integration

  • We can integrate your data from other systems such as CRM, ATS, and ERP.
  • We can layer in new features to allow WordPress to use that data to drive other functionality.


Custom Portals

  • Create tools and features for your customers to interact with your other systems directly on your website.
  • Remove messy customer management by allowing them to help themselves on your website.
  • Push and pull data from other systems and customize its presentation to your audience in a way that creates a top-notch experience.
Circuit board with brain chip representing Wordpress integration

Let's Start Brainstorming How WordPress Integration Can Help Your Business

Start benefitting today from the hard work you’ve already put into your other systems by connecting them to your website.  Stop pulling double-duty managing data and customers in multiple locations. Free up time by automating tasks.  All this is possible through a custom WordPress integration.  Whether you’re being handcuffed by the limitations of your website, or just want to expand on what’s already working, give us a call and let’s talk about how we can drive your website to work harder for you.