Tap to reveal some personality!
Meet the Leadership

Jason Ziolo
Jason graduated from the University of Illinois College of Engineering in 2001 with a degree in Computer Science. Go Illini! (Hence, the orange and blue in our logo). After school, Jason went to work with a small software firm in the call center industry. Ya know when you call the phone company and sit waiting while an agent gripes about their software and you can hear them typing furiously? He fixed that for his clients by making their agents’ technology communicate more effectively, empowering them to provide better service. After over a decade with this firm, Jason became an expert at system integration and refining processes to make users as efficient as possible. Now with over 20 years in the enterprise software industry among many verticals, this has become the foundation on which Dorian Solutions was built; software that achieves simplicity and efficiency.
And now for the fun stuff!
You’re going to get to know us over time, but here’s a jump start. If you’re stuck with Jason at a coffee shop, road trip, or on-site meeting, here’s some of his favorite things that will be sure to get the conversation going.
Things Jason will talk about for hours:
- Jason is an avid concert and festival go’er. He also spent his youth playing guitar in local bands to audiences less than 10 people. (Trivia fact, Dorian Solutions is named after the Dorian mode in music theory, a deviation of the minor scale. Sadly, Mixolydian Solutions didn’t have quite as nice of a ring to it.)
- Jason likes to read Stephen King novels. Have you read The Dark Tower? How about The Green Mile?
- Dad jokes and bad puns. You got ‘em? Let’s hear ‘em.
- Jason and his wife have 2 kids that they adore. He’s got some good stories.
Favorite Quote: ``Yeah, that checks out...``

Tap to reveal some personality!
Jace Steenbarger
Jace is incredibly inquisitive and a die-hard process guy. In a previous life, he has over a decade of experience as a graphic designer and art director, working with clients to understand their vision and bring it to life. After relocating to Chicago, he was bitten by the software bug. Jace comfortably straddles the line between “techie-nerd” and “down-to-Earth every-man,” and is able to communicate equally to both. As a result, he has worked with numerous stake holders to manage projects and create processes that successfully increased the quality of deliverables and decreased time to market. This unique history gives him a special knack in the understanding and development of project requirements, while keeping a watchful eye on the user experience. This all comes together to ensure our customers receive solutions with efficiency and ease of use at the forefront, while maintaining a professionally designed look.
And now for the fun stuff!
You’re going to get to know us over time, but here’s a jump start. If you’re stuck with Jace at a convention, road trip, or on-site meeting, here’s some of his favorite things that will be sure to get the conversation going.
Things Jace will talk about for hours:
- Jace likes Star Wars. OK, he loves Star Wars. Actually, ‘love’ might not be a big enough word either.
- Jace went to art school. He paints, creates props, and collects all kinds of pop culture “stuff.” Yes, he even has lighted display cases in his house.
- Movies? Bring ‘em on! Jace loves a good, original sci-fi flick. Music? Get ready for the 80’s flashback!
- Jace and his wife have a daughter. He likes to pretend he’s a toughie, but she has him wrapped around her finger.